I worked with a team of talented people on projects related to Dirty John, USA Network’s anthology true crime series: The Betty Broderick Story, starring Amanda Peet and Christian Slater. These included a mini-documentary that aired on USA Network and bonus...
Working on a hit television show sounds glamorous. Until you actually do it. On this day in a jungle in Heeia, on Oahu’s Windward side, slate-colored skies threaten rain. On the set — a brief yet bumpy off-road drive from base camp, where trailers and a...
New York Times Magazine During the two years leading up to his diagnosis, my husband, a highly respected physician, struggled to communicate and complete work, left me in doubt about his truthfulness, accumulated debt I was unaware of and wrote a series of notes that...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin Nothing appears to bother Pierce Brosnan. Then again, he’s the former James Bond, with talent enough to sing and dance alongside Meryl Streep in the musical comedy “Mamma Mia,” slated to open next month. And it’s obvious that he’s venturing into...
By Katherine Nichols When a barefoot Jimmy Buffett started his concert by singing a duet with Don Ho, the crowd of 2,200 gathered in and around Duke’s Canoe Club knew it was in for a uniquely Waikiki experience. “This is what happens when you get bored on...