
Classic Abs

By Katherine Nichols

Shape Magazine

Depending on your geographical coordinates, you already may be donning chat cute little T-shirt that creeps up to reveal what you hope is a flattering sliver of midriff. If not, you will be soon enough, so consider it crunch time!

Lose the gimmicks and the excuses, says sports medicine specialist Andrew Nichols, M.D., who leads the athletic research and training program ar the University of Hawaii School of Medicine at Manoa. The secret to firm abs is simply good old-fashioned work. That means doing a program featuring a variety of exercises, such as the classics pictured on the following pages. The former Stanford University swimmer has used these time-tested exercises to train world-class athletes. He favors these specific moves because they don’t require any special equipment, you can do them anywhere, and research proves they work.

Nichols’ workout includes four abdominal exercises and one lower-back strengthener (“a balanced torso is essen­tial,” Nichols says). Do one set of each move (the number of reps is listed with the exercises) at least four times a week, resting no more than 15 seconds between exercises. “Think quality, not quantity,” Nichols says. “Start with one set of each. Once you’re stronger, increase your reps or do another set of each move — but only if you can maintain proper, controlled form.”

Say your goal is washboard abs? Take a quick reality check: Most women are simply not built that way. But by reducing your body fat, you can achieve more muscle definition, Nichols says. The key to losing fat? Eating a sensible diet and engaging in regular strength training and aerobic exercise of various intensities, such as walking, cycling (outdoor and indoor), running or swimming.

But looking good shouldn’t be your only motivation. Strong abs also help prevent back pain and give you more freedom to enjoy your favorite outdoor activities. Notes Nichols, “Many back injuries could be prevented with improved abdominal strength.”

So why not get back to basics? These moves are all the equip­ment you need to change your abs for good.